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胡谍,女,四川峨眉人,四川大学企业管理博士,福州大学经济与管理学院工商管理系讲师,硕士研究生导师。2020年11月入选福州大学“旗山学者”。主要从事技术创新管理、专利信息挖掘、绿色创新等研究。截至目前,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、福建省创新战略(软科学)研究项目、福州大学校级科研项目,作为主要成员先后参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、中法蔡元培国际合作项目、教育部人文社会科学项目,教育部博士点基金项目。在《technological forecasting and social change》、《science and public policy》、《technology analysis and strategic management》、《organization & environment》、《business strategy and the environment》、《journal of cleaner production》、《scientometrics》、《软科学》、《情报杂志》、《科技进步与对策》等国内外学术期刊发表论文。出版专著一部。
2017年9月-2018年9月,法国巴黎萨克拉-埃夫里大学 企业管理 联合培养博士
2015年9月-2019年6月,四川大学 企业管理 博士
2013年9月-2015年6月,四川大学公司金融 硕士
2009年9月-2013年6月,四川大学 财务管理 本科
2015年9月-2019年6月,四川大学 企业管理 博士
2013年9月-2015年6月,四川大学公司金融 硕士
2009年9月-2013年6月,四川大学 财务管理 本科
[5]中法蔡元培国际合作项目,34446wf,open innovation management: collaborative forms and mechanisms for implementation in companies,2017-05至2019-05,已结题,参与。
[5]中法蔡元培国际合作项目,34446wf,open innovation management: collaborative forms and mechanisms for implementation in companies,2017-05至2019-05,已结题,参与。
[1]hu d, qiu l, she m, wang y. sustaining the sustainable development: how do firms turn government green subsidies into financial performance through green innovation? [j]. business strategy and the environment, 2021, doi.org/10.1002/bse.2746.(ssci,jcr一区,abs三星)
[2]hu d, she m, ye l, wang z, the more the merrier? inventor team size, diversity, and innovation quality [j]. science and public policy, 2021, doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scab033.(ssci,abs二星)
[3]she m, wang y, hu d*. effect of hte certification on external resource acquisition and firm performance: evidence from china[j]. technology analysis and strategic management, 2021(1):1-16. (ssci,abs二星)
[4]chen y, wang y, hu d*, zhou z. government r&d subsidies, information asymmetry, and the role of foreign investors: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment on the shanghai-hong kong stock connect [j]. technological forecasting and social change, 2020, 158: 120-162.(ssci,jcr一区,abs三星)
[5]hu d, wang y, yang x. trading your diversification strategy for a green one: how do firms in emerging economies get on the green train? [j]. organization & environment, 2019, 4(23): 391-415.(ssci,jcr一区,abs二星)
[6]hu d, wang y, li y. how does open innovation modify the relationship between environmental regulations and productivity? business strategy and the environment, 2017, 26(8): 1132-1143.(ssci,jcr一区,abs三星)
[7]hu d, wang y, huang j, huang h. how do different innovation forms mediate the relationship between environmental regulation and performance? journal of cleaner production, 2017, 103(2):725-749.(ssci,jcr一区,abs二星)
[8]wang y, hu d, li w, li y, li q. collaboration strategies and effects on university research: evidence from chinese universities. scientometrics, 2015, 161(1): 466-476.(ssci,jcr二区,abs二星)
[9]胡谍, 王元地. 企业专利质量综合指数研究——以创业板上市公司为例[j]. 情报杂志, 2015, 34(1): 77-82.(cssci)
[10]胡谍, 王元地. 企业性质对研发投入长短期效应调节作用的研究——基于中国上市公司的实证分析[j]. 软科学, 2015,9:63-67.(cssci)
[1]hu d, qiu l, she m, wang y. sustaining the sustainable development: how do firms turn government green subsidies into financial performance through green innovation? [j]. business strategy and the environment, 2021, doi.org/10.1002/bse.2746.(ssci,jcr一区,abs三星)
[2]hu d, she m, ye l, wang z, the more the merrier? inventor team size, diversity, and innovation quality [j]. science and public policy, 2021, doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scab033.(ssci,abs二星)
[3]she m, wang y, hu d*. effect of hte certification on external resource acquisition and firm performance: evidence from china[j]. technology analysis and strategic management, 2021(1):1-16. (ssci,abs二星)
[4]chen y, wang y, hu d*, zhou z. government r&d subsidies, information asymmetry, and the role of foreign investors: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment on the shanghai-hong kong stock connect [j]. technological forecasting and social change, 2020, 158: 120-162.(ssci,jcr一区,abs三星)
[5]hu d, wang y, yang x. trading your diversification strategy for a green one: how do firms in emerging economies get on the green train? [j]. organization & environment, 2019, 4(23): 391-415.(ssci,jcr一区,abs二星)
[6]hu d, wang y, li y. how does open innovation modify the relationship between environmental regulations and productivity? business strategy and the environment, 2017, 26(8): 1132-1143.(ssci,jcr一区,abs三星)
[7]hu d, wang y, huang j, huang h. how do different innovation forms mediate the relationship between environmental regulation and performance? journal of cleaner production, 2017, 103(2):725-749.(ssci,jcr一区,abs二星)
[8]wang y, hu d, li w, li y, li q. collaboration strategies and effects on university research: evidence from chinese universities. scientometrics, 2015, 161(1): 466-476.(ssci,jcr二区,abs二星)
[9]胡谍, 王元地. 企业专利质量综合指数研究——以创业板上市公司为例[j]. 情报杂志, 2015, 34(1): 77-82.(cssci)
[10]胡谍, 王元地. 企业性质对研发投入长短期效应调节作用的研究——基于中国上市公司的实证分析[j]. 软科学, 2015,9:63-67.(cssci)
胡谍. 企业外部知识搜寻多维结构异质性及形成机制研究,2021,知识产权出版社.