- 通信地址: 福州大学经济与管理学院南楼316
- 电子邮箱: wentaoyu@fzu.edu.cn
余文涛,男,博士,校聘教授,博士生导师(经济与产业系统管理方向),理论经济学和应用经济学硕士生导师,产业经济学硕士点负责人,经济研究院副院长,入选福建省高层次人才、福州大学“旗山学者”等计划。近年来,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、面上项目等3项国家课题,在《财贸经济》《科学学研究》《industry and innovation》《business strategy and the environment》《china and world economy》等期刊上发表论文40余篇,出版中文专著2部,英文专著章节2篇。曾获省级社科成果三等奖1项,厅级自然科学优秀论文二等奖1项,福州大学“优秀共产党员”、福州大学“杰出青年教师励志奖”等荣誉,现兼任福建省宏观经济学会秘书长。
2009.9-2014.6 中国科学技术大学管理学院 管理科学与工程 博士(硕博连读)
2005.9-2009.6 青海民族大学经济与管理学院 公共事业管理本科
2021.12至今 福州大学经济与管理学院 校聘教授
2018.07-2021.12 福州大学经济与管理学院 副教授
2015.12-2018.07 福州大学经济与管理学院 讲师
2014.06-2015.12 江苏师范大学商学院 讲师
[2]余文涛. 地理租金、网络外部性与互联网平台经济. 财经研究, 2019, 45(03): 141-153.
[3]wentao yu, yanrui wu, xiaolan tan, xiumei guo. 2023. the nexus between e-commerce and regional environment: the combined roles of resource consumption and energy efficiency. business strategy and the environment, published online. (abs-3*, ssci, jcr-q1)
[4]wentao yu. 2020. creative industries agglomeration and entrepreneurship in china: necessity or opportunity? industry and innovation, 27(4): 420-443, (abs-3*, ssci, jcr-q1)
[5]wentao yu, bohan du, xiumei guo, marinova dora. 2023. total factor productivity in chinese manufacturing firms: the role of e-commerce adoption. electronic commerce research, 05: 1-27. (ssci, if=3.9, jcr-q3)
[6]wentao yu, xiaolan tan. the creative class in china: heterogeneity and its regional determinants. managerial and decision economics, 2022, 43(8): 3466-3478. (ssci, jcr-q2)
[7]wentao yu. 2018. creative industries agglomeration and industrial efficiency in china. growth and change, 49 (3):1-19. (ssci, jcr-q2)
[8]wentao yu, jin hong, yanrui wu, dingtao zhao. 2013. emerging geography of creativity and labor productivity effects in china. china & world economy, 21 (5):78-99 (ssci, jcr-q2)
[9]jin hong, wentao yu*, xiumei guo, dingtao zhao. 2014. creative industries agglomeration, regional innovation and productivity growth in china. chinese geographical science, 24 (2): 258-268. (通讯作者, sci, jcr-q2)
[10]wentao yu, jin hong, yunhao zhu, xiumei guo, marinova dora. 2014. creative industries cluster, regional innovation and economic growth in china. regional science policy & practice. 6(4): 329-347.
[2] 洪进,余文涛,郭韬 著. 中西部地区“两型社会”建设的人口与城镇化战略,合肥工业大学出版社:合肥,2015年.
[3] jin hong, wentao yu, fengli yang. (2012) analysis of factors on geographic distribution of creative class in china [a]. in yanrui wu (eds), regional development and economic growth in china[m]. world scientific publishing ( chapter 4)
[4] jin hong, wentao yu, dora marinova, xiumei guo, margaret gollagher. (2014) implications for china’s resource demand on sustainability in australia [a]. in lech w. zacher (eds), technology-society-sustainability [m]. springer (chapter 23)