- 通信地址: 旗山校区经管学院北楼413
- 电子邮箱: kefee920729@fzu.edu.cn
段锴丰(1992.06-),男,汉族,江西上饶人,中共党员,福州大学经济与管理学院副研究员(校聘),硕士生导师,管理学博士,一级建造师,福建省高层次引进人才(c类)。长期关注并从事城市发展与管理、可持续发展、城乡关系、区域与城市经济等方面的研究。担任同济大学经济与管理学院朋辈导师,近年来在《sustainable development》《scientometrics》《经济地理》《人文地理》等国内外刊物公开发表论文多篇;主持国家社会科学基金青年项目、福建省自然科学基金青年项目、福建省社会科学基金青年项目各一项;担任《transactions on engineering management》《sustainable cities and society》《sustainable development》《journal of knowledge management》《knowledge management research & practice》《international journal of strategic property management》《economic analysis and policy》等期刊匿名审稿人。
2015.09-2018.07 江西财经大学 土地资源管理专业 硕士 导师:吴光东 教授
2009.09-2013.07 江西财经大学 工程管理专业(会计二专) 学士 导师:李明 教授
2013.07-2015.06 中国葛洲坝集团第六工程有限公司 工程部 施工员(助理工程师)
[7] 福建省自然科学基金青年项目,海西经济区县域城乡融合发展影响机理、驱动机制与实现路径研究,2023–2026,¥5万,主持
[6] 福建省社会科学基金青年项目,中国式现代化背景下福建省城乡融合发展动力机制及政策优化研究,2023–2025,¥3万,主持
[5] 国家社会科学基金一般项目,长三角地区城乡融合发展动力机制与协同治理研究,2019-2022,¥20万,参与
[4] 国家社会科学基金一般项目,城乡融合型社区改造多元合作模式与政策优化研究,2020-2023,¥20万,参与
[3] 教育部人文社会科学研究西部地区青年基金项目,要素流动视角下城乡融合发展驱动机制研究——以长江经济带为例,2022-2025,¥8万,参与
[2] 上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题,碳达峰、碳中和背景下上海全面绿色转型驱动机理与实现路径研究, 2021-2023,¥6万,参与
[1] 重庆市万州区规划设计院项目,恒合乡乡村振兴背景下产学研联动机制与产业品牌策划实践研究—以五星村为例,2022-2023,¥30万,参与
[6] 2022年,获同济大学优秀毕业生
[5] 2022年,获同济大学扬帆奖
[4] 2020年,获同济大学优秀博士生奖学金
[3] 2020年,获聘同济大学经济与管理学院朋辈导师
[2] 2020年,获同济大学“优秀学生”荣誉称号
[1] 2018年,获同济大学博士研究生新生奖学金
[8] 段锴丰,施建刚*,吴光东,周佳宁,刘聪.长三角地区城乡融合发展动力机制的系统动力学仿真[j].地理科学进展,2024,录用待刊. (cssci/cscd)
[7] 段锴丰,施建刚*,吴光东,华雯雯.城乡融合发展的动力因素及其驱动路径[j].中国人口·资源与环境,2024,34(1):162-173. (cssci/cscd,fms t2)
[6] 段锴丰,施建刚*,吴光东,徐可.城乡融合系统:理论阐释、结构解析及运行机制分析[j].人文地理,2023,38(3):1-10 68.(cssci,fms t2)
[5] 施建刚,段锴丰*,吴光东,李佳佳,徐可.碳排放约束下长三角地区城乡融合发展效率研究[j].经济地理,2021,41(6):57-67. (cssci,fms t2,导师一作本人二作)
[4] 施建刚.增强城乡融合发展的整体性协调性可持续性[j].国家治理,2020(21):9-11. (人民日报旗下刊物,导师一作本人贡献在文末注明)
[3] 施建刚,段锴丰,吴光东.长三角地区城乡融合发展水平测度及其时空特征分析[j].同济大学学报(社会科学版),2022,33(1):78–89. (cssci,导师一作本人二作,该文获“2021年中国房地产学术研讨会”二等奖,高被引论文)
[2] 周佳宁,段锴丰,杜焱强,邹伟*.土地要素配置如何促城乡多维融合?——有效市场和有为政府[j].中国土地科学,2022,36(3):32-40 50.(cssci)
[1] 刘聪,吴光东,段锴丰*,廖桂萱.基于cas理论的建设工程项目冲突管理策略研究[j].工程管理学报,2017,31(3):102-107.
[22] shi j, duan k*, wu g*, si h, zhang r. sustainability at the community level: a bibliometric journey around a set of sustainability-related terms[j]. sustainable development, 2022, 30(1): 256–274. (ssci, 导师一作)
[21] shi j, duan k*, wu g, zhang r, feng x. comprehensive metrological and content analysis of the public-private partnerships (ppps) research field: a new bibliometric journey[j]. scientometrics, 2020, 124:145–2184. (sci/ssci, fms-b, 导师一作)
[20] zhao j, du y, duan k*. has industrial structure upgrading reduced agricultural carbon emissions? an empirical analysis from china[j]. applied economics letters, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2024.2332575. (ssci)
[19] shi j, hua w, duan k*, li h. evaluation of the urban-rural integration development level in the yangtze river delta: a hybrid method[j]. journal of urban planning and development, 2023, 149(3):04023026. doi: 10.1061/jupddm.upeng-3842. (ssci)
[18] wei x, cheng m, duan k*, kong x. effects of big data on pm2.5: a study based on double machine learning[j]. land, 2024, 13, 327. (ssci)
[17] duan k, zhang c*, li j*, zhang r, zhang y. boundary-spanning search for knowledge, knowledge reconstruction and the sustainable innovation ability of agricultural enterprises: a chinese perspective[j]. agriculture, 2020, 10, 39. (sci/ssci)
[16] li j, shi j, duan k*, li h, zhang y*, xu q. efficiency of china's urban development under carbon emission constraints: a city-level analysis[j]. physics and chemistry of the earth, parts a/b/c, 2022, 103182. (sci)
[15] zhang l, huang l, xia j, duan k*. spatial-temporal evolution and its influencing factors on urban land use efficiency in china’s yangtze river economic belt[j]. land, 2023, 12, 76. (ssci)
[14] jin s, mei z, duan k*. coupling coordination of china’s agricultural environment and economy under the new economic background[j]. agriculture, 2022, 12(8), 1147. (sci)
[13] zhang r, duan k*, you s, wang f, tan s. a novel remote sensing detection method for buildings damaged by earthquake based on multiscale adaptive multiple feature fusion[j]. geomatics, natural hazards and risk, 2020, 11(1): 1912–1938. (sci)
[12] shi j, duan k, xu q*, li j. analysis of super-gentrification dynamic factors using interpretative structure modeling[j]. land, 2020, 9, 45. (ssci, 导师一作本人二作)
[11] zhang r, li q, duan k*, you s*, zhang t, liu k, gan y. precise classification of forest species based on multi-source remote-sensing images[j]. applied ecology and environmental research, 2020, 18(2):3659-3681. (sci)
[10] li l, ma s*, zheng y, ma x, duan k. do regional integration policies matter? evidence from a quasi-natural experiment on heterogeneous green innovation[j]. energy economics, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2022.106426. (ssci, fms-b, abs-3)
[9] shi j, dai x*, duan k, li j. exploring the performances and determinants of public service provision in 35 major cities in china from the perspectives of efficiency and effectiveness[j]. socio-economic planning sciences, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2022.101441 (ssci)
[8] shi j, liu m*, duan k. spatiotemporal evolution of coupling coordination in population-land relationship and its influencing factors: a case study of 26 main cities in yangtze river delta, china[j]. physics and chemistry of the earth, parts a/b/c, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2022.103247 (sci)
[7] xie h*, zhang y*, duan k. evolutionary overview of urban expansion based on bibliometric analysis in web of science from 1990 to 2019[j]. habitat international, 2020, 95:102100. (ssci, 高被引论文)
[6] xie z, wang x, xie l*, duan k. entrepreneurial ecosystem and the quality and quantity of regional entrepreneurship: a configurational approach[j]. journal of business research, 2021, 128:499-509. (ssci, abs-3)
[5] shi j, xu k*, duan k. investigating the intention to participate in environmental governance during urban–rural integrated development process in the yangtze river delta region[j]. environmental science and policy, 2022, 128:132-141. (sci, abs-3)
[4] li l, cheng m, duan k, li w*, zhao d. can public employment services improve employment opportunities of rural-to-urban migrant workers in china?[j]. applied economics letters, 2023, doi: 10.1080/13504851.2023.2275646 (ssci)
[3] lu x, zhang y*, li j*, duan k. measuring the urban land use efficiency of three urban agglomerations in china under carbon emissions[j]. environmental science and pollution research, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-18124-8 (sci)
[2] feng x, cao j, wu g*, duan k. a critical review of studies on renegotiation within the public-private partnerships (ppps) scheme[j]. engineering, construction and architectural management, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1108/ecam-09-2021-0790 (sci)
[1] liu c, cao j, duan k, wu g*. effect of network position on inter-team conflict and project success in megaprojects[j]. engineering, construction and architectural management, 2022, 137(12), 1164-1175. (sci)
researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/kaifeng-duan